Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Rough Artist Statement

The big idea I am focusing on is the fact of remaining the same under varying conditions or being oneself. This is also know as identity. However, although my big idea is identity, I am going to break it down into much smaller pieces and look into how people define themselves in this world and how people approach this game called life. Everybody is influenced in so many ways, pulled from so many directions, and influenced greatly by race, religion, and geography. I am going to explore how people grow into themselves through these filters. Basically, I want to explore life and what different people make of it. In my brainstorming, I have several images where people have covered their faces up or are hiding their identity while I also have pictures of people or things who have grown to be happy and thankful despite the terrible scenario they look to be placed in. I want to see how these connect. I chose this big idea because I have always been interested in a deeper understanding of people. After my trip to Hawaii where my brother lives, I learned so much about the human race and just how different everyone is. For the first time in my life I found a deep passion for people, something that I had previously looked past.

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